EMS Should Not Define You! || A Little Truth

EMS Should Not Define You! || A Little Truth

A discussion is warranted. Buckle up! 

In EMS, it is beat into our heads to hustle, lose sleep and do whatever necessary to take all the classes, earn all the certificates & licenses, make all the money, prioritize work and make a great name for yourself in the field. I understand for the brief time you are in school extraordinary sacrifices must be made, but it’s temporary!

Making money is important to provide your family with the basic necessities, killing yourself with overtime isn’t good for your well-being. I can already picture the comments I am going get...
Cue the “This is what you signed up for!””We don’t get paid enough.” comments.

Our bodies weren’t built to be without sleep for multiple days in a row, eat terrible food because “it’s convenient” or see traumatic events multiple times a shift. Could that be why we have a high rates of suicide & cardiac events? 

Let's not even get into the divorce rates of the first responders world! The answer is that family life is typically not prioritized.
Miss a baseball game for your kid? It’s okay, you’ll go to the next one! Forget an anniversary? It’s okay, you had a long night. Haven’t taken a vacation in 2 years? It’s okay because you have perfect attendance and so many sick days saved up!

If you haven’t read one point here that you completely agree with or feel 100% attacked by, you aren’t in EMS. You have one body. Put down the energy drinks & bad food (believe me, I’m speaking to myself too). Get check ups just to see how your body is doing and if there is anything you can do to prevent future illnesses. Prioritize your sleep, it is scientifically proven that it can extend your life! At the end of the day, nobody can/will take care of you…. like you. Cherish your kids, they will remember you not being at their big events. Make it a point to continue to date your spouse. Spend time with your family, it is no badge of honor to never take a break. You are easily replaced at work, but not at home. I’m not saying to not be passionate about EMS, but just remember EMS should be a job…not who you are.


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