Imposter Syndrome in EMS || Feeling Unworthy of Success

💥Imposter Syndrome💥
Until the last few years and the boom of social media, many did not even know of this phenomenon.
Imposter syndrome may be described as a feeling or condition in which the person, just like the title reads, feels like an imposter. These feelings of inadequacy can come to the surface after an individual has had a success (big or small) or recognition of some sort like an award, a degree, passing a test, a promotion, becoming a parent, losing weight, etc. This can cause an individual to feel like a fraud or as though they are fooling everyone around them. They may even contribute it to luck or even play it down because it really is “no big deal."
In a perfect world, I would be a psychiatrist or psychologist and able to tell you why you feel this way and what to do to change it. But it isn’t a perfect world and I am just a paramedic that this phenomenon affects too.
After receiving my paramedic, I felt like a fraud or as though I was fooling everyone. I really just lucked out in class, tests, labs, fisdap exams, clinicals, internship, and national registry is how I looked at it. I didn’t deserve it and people would find out sooner rather than later that I wasn’t worthy of the license.
I have seen other paramedics and medical professionals go through the same thing. Watching their struggles was eye-opening because these individuals were talented, intelligent and hard workers. I was able to see how they worked for it, earned it and should be feeling no less than worthy.
Remind yourself that you put in the work to get where you are! Remember that many people failed at attempting to get what you earned! If people have noticed the work you put in and recognize or compliment you, they aren’t being tricked or fooled…..they see what you may not always be able to.
Just know this is a super common struggle and if you are feeling this way, you aren’t alone! The simple fact that you feel it makes you pretty darn relatable. For real, we probably have all met the individual that we wish would have a case of imposter syndrome or at least slice of humble pie. Finding that nice homeostasis between being wrecked with feeling like a phony and being an arrogant provider obsessed with accolades and title is where it’s at!
*Side note: And in the spirit of being super duper vulnerable, this entire post was inspired by a moment I had a few days ago. Allow me to set the stage…..I have a new paramedic class in front of me learning about junctional, atrial and ventricular rhythms.
The thoughts began to creep into my head. This is such a great group of students. They are really smart. They will be great medics. Who let me teach future paramedics? What were they thinking? I am not as smart as the teacher that did this for 30 years before me. What if I am no good? What if I shouldn’t be here?
Long story short, if you are struggling with imposter syndrome…….remind yourself that you earned this and can do it!
1 comment
Thank you, I have battled this for years but had no idea what it was. Working on overcoming it!