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Tranexamic Acid (TXA) || EMS Pharmacology
TXA or tranexamic acid is a medication first discovered in the 1960s by medical professionals searching for a solution for postpartum hemorrhage. After this introduction, massive benefits were reported and...
Tranexamic Acid (TXA) || EMS Pharmacology
TXA or tranexamic acid is a medication first discovered in the 1960s by medical professionals searching for a solution for postpartum hemorrhage. After this introduction, massive benefits were reported and...

Gout in EMS || Medical Conditions
Gout is not a typical complaint for a 911 call, however an EMS provider will certainly encounter multiple patients that have it in their medical history. Gout is an extremely...
Gout in EMS || Medical Conditions
Gout is not a typical complaint for a 911 call, however an EMS provider will certainly encounter multiple patients that have it in their medical history. Gout is an extremely...

First Degree Heart Block || When the AV Node Ju...
What happens when the AV node is too clingy and wants to spend a little more time with the impulse than needed? A first degree heart block! Let’s talk 1st...
First Degree Heart Block || When the AV Node Ju...
What happens when the AV node is too clingy and wants to spend a little more time with the impulse than needed? A first degree heart block! Let’s talk 1st...

Ondansetron || EMS Pharmacology
Let’s talk Zofran! DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice. ALWAYS follow YOUR local protocol and scope of practice!🚑💉💊 Need...
Ondansetron || EMS Pharmacology
Let’s talk Zofran! DISCLAIMER: The information in this video is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice. ALWAYS follow YOUR local protocol and scope of practice!🚑💉💊 Need...

Imposter Syndrome in EMS || Feeling Unworthy of...
💥Imposter Syndrome💥 Until the last few years and the boom of social media, many did not even know of this phenomenon. Imposter syndrome may be described as a feeling or...
Imposter Syndrome in EMS || Feeling Unworthy of...
💥Imposter Syndrome💥 Until the last few years and the boom of social media, many did not even know of this phenomenon. Imposter syndrome may be described as a feeling or...

What is the P Wave? || EMS Cardiology
Although the general public may not know, EMS providers are trained as to what those little squiggly lines on the 12 lead actually indicate. It is paramount to understand what...
What is the P Wave? || EMS Cardiology
Although the general public may not know, EMS providers are trained as to what those little squiggly lines on the 12 lead actually indicate. It is paramount to understand what...